Class Descriptions
Classes introduce beginning students to the fundamentals of posture and breath in Iyengar Yoga. Focus is on standing poses and basic alignment, along with breath awareness.
Level I
Classes introduce a wider variety of poses, including standing poses, headstand, forward bends, twists, and back bends, as well as basic pranayama (yogic breathing).
Level II
Classes are for students firmly established in their practice who are ready to move beyond the basics. Inversions are a regular part of these classes and variations are introduced. More challenging forward and back bends are included. Familiarity with props and Iyengar terminology is expected.
Level II/III
Classes are for students with previous Iyengar training and a strong regular practice. Stability and confidence in inversions and backbends are expected. Pre-requisite: 10 minute freestanding Sirsasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana with straight arms.